The problem of drug and alcohol addiction

It’s not victimless. Each person afflicted with alcohol or drug addiction affects at least six others. It could be parents, spouses or children. It might be employers, co-workers or employees. Perhaps it’s friends, neighbors or even complete strangers. Usually, it’s some combination.


Do you have a drug or alcohol problem?

If you're not sure, our counselors can assist you to discuss your particular situation. Symptoms include continued consumption despite related legal, health, or familial issues. Those with alcoholism may feel guilty about their drinking, and may experience physical symptoms when alcohol is not present in the system such as cravings, shakiness, and sweating. 

Does someone close to you have a problem with addiction?

Addiction is a disease that causes collateral damage to those closest to the addict. Wreckage includes confusion, worry, pain and anger. If someone you know is suffering from addiction to drugs or alcohol, please contact us today for an assessment on how we can help your situation. We have additional resources available that you may find helpful.

Societal Impact 

Criminal Justice

1 in 10 people over the age of 12 suffer from drug or alcohol addiction

National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc.

•    Alcohol and drugs are implicated in an estimated 80% of crimes leading to incarceration in the United States Common offenses include domestic violence, driving while intoxicated, property crimes, drug offenses, and public-order infractions.

•    Nationwide, most inmates are in prison, in large part, because of substance abuse. Approximately 95% of inmates return to alcohol and drug use after release from prison, and 60-80% of drug abusers commit a new crime (typically a drug-driven crime) after release from prison.

Source: National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc.

•    The U.S. Justice Department estimates that 61% of domestic violence offenders have substance abuse problems. According to a recent Journal of the AMA, 92% of domestic abuse assailants reported use of alcohol or other drugs on the day of the assault.  Another study reports that the rate of batterers who are under the influence of alcohol when they assault their partners is from 48% to 87%, with most research indicating a 60% to 70% rate of alcohol abuse (and a 13% to 20% rate of drug abuse).

Treatment offers the best alternative for interrupting the criminal justice cycle for offenders with drug and alcohol problems. Research has shown that treatment works -- people can and do recover from addiction, maintaining abstinence from alcohol and drugs. Research has also shown that as substance abuse declines, so does criminal behavior.


On the Road

Alcohol-involved crash fatalities and injuries increased. Statewide, 160,388 were cited for driving under the influence (DUI) in 2013, 12,298 of them in San Diego County. The median age was 30; 76.6% were male. Of the state’s crash fatalities in 2013, 38.6% were alcohol-related, 27.3% were drug related. Of crashes involving injuries, 10.4% were alcohol-related.

Source: California Department of Motor Vehicles

on the Streets

In 2015, San Diego County saw a 3% rise in homelessness. This allowed San Diego, the nation’s eighth-largest city, to claim the fourth-largest homeless population in the nation and the largest percentage of homeless veterans. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration estimates 38% of the homeless are dependent on alcohol and 26% abuse other drugs.

Top U.S. homeless populations by city


At Home

Researchers from the University of Michigan found that nearly half of the more than 17,000 study participants with a history of alcoholism got a divorce at some point in their lives, compared to 30 percent of the participants who were not affected by serious alcohol problems.

Source: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs

in the Workplace

Workers with alcohol problems were 2.7 times more likely than workers without drinking problems to have injury-related absences. A hospital emergency department study showed that 35 percent of patients with an occupational injury were at-risk drinkers. Breathalyzer tests detected alcohol in 16% of emergency room patients injured at work. Analyses of workplace fatalities showed that at least 11% of the victims had been drinking.

Source: National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc.
